Top Benefits of Meditation with Crystalline Sound - PART 4


“I am A hole in the flute
That the Christ’s breath moves through —
Listen to this Music.”

I had been playing my bowls for a few years, long before I’d made my first album.

Sitting in my meditation room, I was feeling frustrated. I didn’t want to pray about the Divine. I wanted to feel its Presence down to my bones. I wanted the real deal, the full monty. Not an idea or emotional facsimile. So in the moment, I asked — well, more like demanded — to have “an experience.” To know, without a shadow of a doubt that God/Goddess/Source is there, somewhere, listening, available, as close as my own mother. Closer.

I picked up my rose quart bowl and began to play. Rose quartz, a vibration and frequency that sings the sweetness, the unconditional love that is the pure resonance of the heart. Day after day, I played this beautiful bowl, maybe for three weeks straight. I can’t remember how long. One day while playing, my finally heart broke open. Resistance cracked like a boulder breaking ground and I was surrounded and filled with what I can only describe as the presence of Pure Love Itself. All those years of feeling separated and alone dissolved in seconds, and I felt surrounded by a gentle shimmer of light, held in angelic arms.

There, in the frequencies of vibrations of light and crystalline harmonics, my Soul walked through a portal and touched my heart. The veils opened and what was hidden was not simply revealed, it became real.

For me, this is perhaps the greatest gift and benefit of meditating with the healing sounds of crystal singing bowls. This doorway into divine relationship and connection with the Soul. The transcendent sounds of alchemy crystal singing bowls, leading us like stepping stones through multidimensional worlds.

At the end of this blog, I’ll share with you healing music created with alchemy crystal singing bowls, including the rose quartz bowl that opened my heart. My prayer is that the sounds and songs that shine through this music be a blessing and gift to you, and serve the Love You Are.

benefit #8 - Finding Ourselves in the Present Moment

I will wager to guess that most of us do not spend a lot of time living in the present moment. We are often reliving the past, gnashing our teeth about what happened, what we should have/could have said/done, or filled with anxiety over what may or may not come to be. Yet the present moment is all we really have. It is the cornerstone of how we create our reality and the foundation of what will unfold in the days and years ahead of us. We are conscious creators of our reality when we are grounded in the present moment. The act of meditating on the sound of the crystal bowls, whether we are playing or simply receiving the sound, allows the mind to shift gears and quiet down, allowing us to simply “be.” The sounds entrain us to states of expansive peace where we can, even for just a moment or two, find relief from the relentless push of past and future. We rest in the simplicity of “being” and we are restored.

benefit #9 - Waves of new self-awareness

Peaceful, self reflection allowing waves of new self-awareness to flood in

In this state of quiet expansion and peace, self reflection may gently arise and begin to permeate our conscious awareness. We notice our thoughts and beliefs with more equanimity and compassion. We open to consider new possibilities and ways of relating to ourselves. Inside spaciousness, we can reflect on our behavior, actions and choices with neutrality and gentleness. We may sense the presence of something larger, far beyond our personality and conditioned mind. Our higher wisdom becomes more accessible, visceral and available to us. We begin to see our particular and unique situation in life with increased kindness and understanding. Through healing sounds and the high vibration of the alchemy bowls, we attune to a fuller experience of who we are.

benefit #10 - Transcendence and Awakening of our Connection with Divine Purpose

Deep meditation with healing sound can bring us into states of utterly transcendent peace. The sounds of the crystal singing bowls, when played with intention and care, open dimensional portals that offer new spiritual experiences and the enrichment of our connection with Source. I have had this experience more times than I can remember, as have my students, clients and those with whom I have shared these angelic crystalline vibrations. Sometimes, upon hearing the sound of an alchemy bowl, only a few minutes, or even seconds, can catapult a person into a state of wonder and bliss. These instruments have come to us at a time of great transformation and change upon earth. They are here to help us remember the truth of who we are, eternal beings of light in human form, here to serve the conscious awakening of humanity as we co-create a New Earth. This is not earth as we know it now, fraught with devastation, divisiveness and conflict. This is the coming of heaven on earth, where we amplify together a vision of respect for all living things, deep communion with all beings, and where kindness, compassion and joy resonate in every heart.

If you are feeling their call, you are not alone. It is their time. It is your time. Come and join us as we ignite our crystalline nature and once again live in harmony with the universe and the light of ten thousand suns that shines within all things.  

I hope this series on meditation with the healing sound of crystal singing bowls has inspired you to explore and bring their immense power and beauty into your life.  

Enjoy the beautiful sound meditation “The Embrace” from my album “All Is Forgiven.” I also invite you to join my upcoming offering “Celestial Alignment for Healing,” an 8-week online group sound healing experience proven to support significant transformation in the areas of health, creativity, inner peace and well being. You’ll find it HERE, or you can click on the artwork below. 

And if you are ready to bring the alchemy crystal bowls into your life, to experience their luminous light and peace, you can reach out to me here. Let’s have a conversation about what that would be like for you.

Many blessings and great love to you. 

PS. Read PART 1 , PART 2 , & PART 3 of the Blog Series for more benefits and tips if you haven’t already!

On waves of healing sound.