Top Benefits of Meditation with Crystalline Sound - PART 1

Ashana Favorite Top Benefits of a Daily Meditation Practice with Crystal Singing Bowls

The world is moving so fast. Days are flying by and life is getting busier and more complex than ever before. Sometimes, I feel like we are all sitting on a volcano that’s getting ready to erupt. Do you know what I’m talking about?

Finding moments of tranquility and inner peace is a lifeline. We need to feed our nervous system calmness, peace, and connection with the eternal — that source of life that is beyond what most of us experience as we go about navigating our daily lives. I need to do this daily, because when I neglect it, ignore it, or make a choice to “do it later” … well, later never comes. I’m pretty sure you know what I mean.

Whenever I speak to my students and listeners looking for peace and healing, feeling scattered, having trouble manifesting, struggling with challenges or want to shift something in their lives, I ask them … how’s your meditation? More often than not, they give me a sheepish look and confess that they haven’t been meditating much. Too busy, too many other demands on their time, no space to practice, can’t find a “kind” they like, etc. etc.

Meditation is a supreme act of self love. It’s also often the last thing on our “to-do” list. Fortunately, more and more people are turning to this timeless practice to navigate the increasingly higher levels of stress and anxiety rampant in life on planet earth at this time.

There are many, many forms of meditation. Think of it like ice cream … a flavor for every palette! There is vipassana or mindfulness meditation, zen sitting, chanting mantras, breathwork, guided visualizations or contemplative prayer, to name but a few. There are probably as many kinds of meditation as there are people in the world.

I’m going to wager a guess that sometimes, you don’t even realize you are actually meditating.

Man fishing on a lake
  • Ever sit at the beach, or under a tree and allow your mind wander without thought?

  • Ever go fishing and find yourself content to simply sit, staring out at the water?

  • Maybe you’ve lost all track of time, immersed in a beautiful piece of music.

  • Or taken a walk in nature, focusing intensely on the rhythmic step … step … step as you move along the trail.

  • Perhaps you know what it’s like to be in the zone of creativity while journaling, writing poetry, painting, making music, writing code, designing a garden.

These are all forms of meditation, each in their own way.

Meditation, in its simplest form, gives us space and time to practice shifting focus away from our busy mind to become present with ourselves. The more we practice, the easier it becomes to shift our attention inward, allowing ourselves to relax and BE AT EASE WITH THE peace and stillness within THAT IS OUR TRUE ESSENCE.

In this blog series, I want to share some remarkable benefits of a type of meditation that is near and dear to my heart that can offer supportive and life-changing opportunities for healing: meditation with crystal singing bowls. In Part 1 of this blog, we’ll cover how crystal bowl meditation can improve your ability to focus as well as support healing on the cellular level.

These two benefits are in and of themselves truly AMAZING! At the end of the blog, you’ll be able to access a powerful new guided meditation with alchemy crystal singing bowls that will take you into a profound state of relaxation, and lead you on a pathway to deep physical, mental and emotional well-being.

benefit #1 - Crystal Clear Focus

Are there days when you wake up feeling uncertain and unclear? Maybe it feels like you’re in a kind of void … can’t get moving in the right direction. Or you feel like you don’t know what to do next.

I am keenly aware there are times when I struggle to focus on what feels important. My mind wanders incessantly. There’s resistance around doing the things I know require my attention. As an independent musician and sound healer, I’m by default an entrepeneur. Running a business, there is a constant gamut of tasks that need doing. Even when I know I love doing them, there are days when it feels impossibly hard to focus my attention. I’d rather be doing anything else. I can see this lack of clarity and “fuzzy mind” reflected in how I approach my music, relationships, how I run my business, and more. As a result, I might spend an entire day feeling like I’m doing “catch-up.” Feeling like I’m behind before I even begin. Or by the end of the day, feeling as if I’ve accomplished nothing. Does this sound familiar?

Meditation can be like yoga or weightlifting for your brain. With consistent, daily practice, your ability and desire to focus will sharpen dramatically.

This morning, I pulled out a few of my bowls to play. I sat with the sound, listening deeply. Each chime taking me further within. When I stopped, I thought only a few minutes had passed … it had actually been almost 20. By that time, I felt more quiet, settled and ready for my day.

As your mind begins to relax, you begin to feel better, more positive and optimistic. There is a fresh flow of energy and ease so you can visualize and imagine the possibilities of what you want to create. I am infinitely more productive when I take the time to meditate. It doesn’t matter if it’s 5, 15 or 20 minutes. It’s all about consistency and practice. The healing sound of crystal singing bowls entrains your mind and body to higher vibrational frequencies that help to release disharmonious energy and thoughts that feel like “static” in your physical body and your overall personal field. It soothes the flow of energy throughout your entire nervous system, which has a direct impact on your ability to experience clarity and peace. And that means you’ll have more energy to focus on what is important to you.

benefit #2 - Deep Cellular Healing

This benefit is quite profound…

The vibrations of crystal singing bowls in combination with focused intentions of healing, create a biochemical change in the cells of the body, supporting its natural abilities to heal and return to homeostasis. The quartz crystal in the make-up of the bowls, naturally amplifies and transmits the frequencies created through our intentions that are directed towards healing. Quartz crystal itself naturally transforms and transduces energy. When healing intentions are generated through crystalline sound by playing a bowl, the frequencies of those intentions travel through our bodily fluids, to every system, cell, atom and molecule, down to our DNA. It is a miraculous, beautiful energy transmission!

Ashana leaning against tree playing singing bowl.

This kind of healing sound helps us feel physically better and improves our overall sense of well-being. From headaches to low immunity, chronic pain to depression, meditation with crystal bowls can help your body and mind and spirit align itself, through a deep and profound boost of nurturing, nourishing coherent energy.

Here’s a beautiful story about how the Golden Light of Healing Guided Meditation you’ll find at the end of this blog helped one of my students.

She reached out to me in a state of deep concern. She was struggling with severe hyperthyroidism, a depressed immune system and chronic lymphoma. She was struggling to find answers with her medical providers, without a lot of success, other than a traditional allopathic medical approach of more drugs. I gave her a copy of the Golden Light of Healing Guided Meditation, as well as other healing music that is part of a program I have called Celestial Alignment for Healing. She used the Golden Light of Healing Guided Meditation daily, morning, noon and night (and sometimes more often when she felt she needed a boost).

Within three weeks, her immune system balanced itself and her chronically elevated lymphocyte count went back to normal. The change, in her words, “was HUGE!” She was able to decrease her thyroid medication and commented that the music and meditation from Celestial Alignment for Healing and the Golden Light of Healing Guided Meditation helped to strengthen and harmonize her body, mind and spirit.

This is not the first time this has happened… over the years, countless people have written me to share their stories of healing through crystal sound. Meditating with the healing sound of crystal singing bowls can support healing on any level, whether it be from chronic pain, autoimmune disease, mental illness, spiritual struggles, mental challenges, to name but a few.

So there you have it!

Two incredible healing benefits of meditating with sound and alchemy crystal singing bowls. Meditation is a supreme act of self love. It is a transformative tool that can enrich every aspect of your life. 

In part 2 of this series, we’ll explore how sound meditation can help you sleep better, soothe emotional discord and positively impact your confidence levels. 

As promised, HERE is your access to the Golden Light of Healing Guided Meditation, or you can click the album artwork. Be sure to watch the EPIC music video of the meditation on my YouTube channel HERE so you don’t miss out! It will take your meditation to the next level of transcendence.

Consider sharing this blog with a friend and family member to give them the gift of healing through crystalline sound.

Finally …

Remember to take a few moments each day to be quiet, breathe deeply, and give yourself the gift of turning within to “be with you.” What better way to begin the day than with a supreme act of self love?

Blessing to you, on waves of healing sound.

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