Finding Peace in the Chaos


For the last several weeks, both James and I have been feeling challenged, off and on, to maintain and nourish a state of peace. We hear from friends, colleagues and loved ones that many people are going through something similar. "You're not the only one!" is a phrase we've heard again and again, more often than not, both in passing and in deep conversation.

There is prolific stress reverberating in and through our collective and it is critical for all of us to step up our abilities to find the still point within to align ourselves with neutrality and equilibrium.

As light and love workers, we've said "yes!" to the task of being wayshowers and islands of peace in troubled times. People are looking to us for hope to provide light on the path forward. But it's not always easy.

This is why I lean into playing my crystal bowls and therapy harps, and spend time expressing myself by singing. It's because I need it. Chanting and improvising music, immersing myself in the angelic harmonics of crystal bowl and harp, is profound self-care that is necessary for my well being and the health of my nervous system. I am so grateful to have these beautiful instruments and practices available at the touch of a my fingertips. I love knowing that every time I play, it impacts and lifts the vibration of our home and the neighborhood in which we live. I am playing a secret love song for all the people who live around us, for the birds, the rocks, the trees, the animals and the bees, the sky, the earth and the wind itself.

When we play bowls, an integral part of the experience is crafting and holding intentions that support us in finding balance. When clear and loving intentions are amplified by crystalline sound, we can literally receive a full body “tune-up” that can smooth out frayed nerves and tension. As we allow our bodies to recalibrate and attune to higher vibrational frequencies, we experience contraction resolving into expansion, fear and anxiety melting into contentment, and closed doors opening with new possibilities.

I’d like to share with you the intention that I have been holding for myself, for the last several weeks. It has been a profound comfort to me during this time. I say these words to myself in the morning, when I first wake up and they are the last words I whisper in my mind before I go to sleep. During meditation or when I am playing or singing for myself, I turn to these words and remember:

Just for this day

I vow to bring peace into every experience.

I relax in peace.

I trust in peace.

I choose peace and I trust in my choice.

I do this to attain peace.

I do this because it brings me peace.

I am, in this moment, nothing less than complete and total peace.

I don’t remember where I first heard these words or who wrote them. I re-discovered them about a month ago when I was standing in front of my bookshelf and Spirit called me to pull out my copy of Tom Carpenter’s exquisite book, “Dialogue on Awakening.” A piece of paper with my handwriting on it fluttered into my hands when I opened the book. It was a moment of divinely perfect timing as these words were exactly what I needed to hear, to remember, to become. It was like receiving a gift from my younger self, recalled from years past. Now, the more I say them, the deeper they are embedding themselves as part of the fabric of my consciousness. They are becoming a touchstone for me through which I can measure my mind’s direction and the quality of my thoughts.

What would it feel like to gift this to yourself, every day? To align with the feeling of peace, in every moment, in every experience, whenever needed, to remind you of what it feels like to be the essence of love that you are?

Take a listen and speak these words into your heart.
Receive their comfort and light.

If you have bowls or harps, or other beautiful instruments, explore what it feels like to play inside this feeling of complete and total peace as you affirm “I relax in peace. I trust in peace. I am, in this moment, nothing less than complete and total peace.” And if the only sound available to you is the sound of silence, simply breathe these words into your heart and allow their vibration to fill you with its sweet nectar.

As always, if you'd like to learn more about the crystal bowls or therapy harps, or Crystal Bowl Mastery™, send me an email to and we can chat about the possibilities available to you to bring greater peace through healing sound into your life, for yourself, your family, friends and community. In the Sound of Ashana Online Store, there are stunning sets of alchemy bowls that are superb for helping quiet the mind so you can clear your mind of worry and stress., calm your body and your thoughts, and return to a state of quiet peace. Watch the videos, listen to the bowls, and reach out to us so we can help put them into your loving hands.

May the vibration of divine peace be in and around you, this day and all the days to come.

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Meet the Sound of Ashana Featured Crystal Bowl set of the week!


In this mini master set of three alchemy crystal singing bowls, there is a gentle, yet profound activation of the the heart, to ground and center us in the very essence of our being.

  • Sage Aura Gold carries the frequency of the healing ray of gold in deep forest green, an essential color tone that activates healing at the deepest levels.

  • Pink Ocean Gold is the pink ray of gold, in this particular bowl, leaning towards lavender with an iridescent hue, which calls forth the True Human in alignment with our Highest Good.

  • Larimar brings a sense of calmness and peace to our own self and to the environment and earth upon which we make our home.

Larimar Crystal Singing Bowl

If this is what your soul has been longing for, these bowls are for you. The tone and color of this set is extraordinarily beautiful, pure and pristine and it is, without exaggeration, exceptionally stunning.

Visit the store to learn more about this set HERE.

If you find that these bowls are calling out to you, please reach out directly to me at and we can set up a time to chat about the possibilities.