Golden Light of Healing (Guided Meditation) - Ashana

A Guided Meditation With the High Frequency Sounds of Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls Taking You to NEW PLACES of Personal Transformation and Healing.


Meditating with the Golden Light of Healing is a powerful opening to connect to your soul. You’ll experience a flood of golden light pouring through you, bathing every cell in your body, down to the DNA. With regular, consistent use, you will entrain your body to deep levels of peace and well being, activating its innate wisdom for self-healing. Allow the positive light and energy to transmute and transform your mind, body, and spirit and watch your life change!! Celestial Alignment for Healing releases in early 2024. Learn more about the offering here.

Musician Credits:

Ashana: Crystal Singing Bowls, lead and background vocals

Thomas Barquee: keyboards, lead and background vocals

All music composed by Ashana Lobody and Thomas Barquee

(c) 2023 Pearlescent Music LLC and Barkawitz Music (ASCAP)