The Infinite Heart by Ashana

Breaking new ground, Ashana blends her signature sound with Sanskrit and Sikh mantra, Tibetan and Native American chant, a song of devotion to the Virgin Guadalupe in Spanish, a hypnotic version of The Prayer of St. Francis, and an angelic choir of voices singing music inspired by 11th century mystic, Hildegard von Bingen. This is the music of the new paradigm, birthed through sound and vibration from that all-embracing, tender pure source from which all religions spring.

 ‘The Infinite Heart’ is the fourth collaboration between Ashana and world-renowned producer, Thomas Barquee (Snatam Kaur, Seal), whose masterful and sensitive arrangements weave Ashana’s pristine vocals and crystal singing bowls into an extraordinary sensory experience of musical prayer.

With certainty, all who come to hear ‘THE INFINITE HEART’ will be lifted to a place of pure peace, comfort, and unconditional love, where true healing awaits.

Musician Credits:

Ashana: Lead and Background Vocals, Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls

Thomas Barquee: Background Vocals, Keyboards & Programming, Bass, String Arrangements

Simone Sello: Guitars

Domonic Breaux: Woodwinds

Hans Christian: Cello

Lynn Gudmundsen: Violin, Viola

Shakti Nag: Bansuri

Anjan Basu: Esraj

Sandip Chaterjee: Sarod

Somnath Roy: Percussion

© & (P) 2011 Angelic Tones / Barkawitz Music (ASCAP)



Everything I Am

In a moment of longing there is nothing but you,

A touch, a word, tender in the night

And when I feel you calling, I open my heart

To receive the promised kiss of your light

A touch, a word, a whisper, a breath

A smile, a kiss, this love is everything I am

And when my tears fall upon the earth

You whisper your wisdom and call me home

You see miracles in all of my dreams

And remind me I’m never alone

A touch, a word …

You walk beside me up the highest mountain

And ride the ocean waves in ecstasy and joy

You fill me up ‘til I’m overflowing

With a song of wondrous love

A touch, a word …

One Sacred Earth

Unci Ina Maka Tate Topa

One Sacred Earth

One Sacred Sky

One Sacred Heart beating

One Sacred Breath

One Sacred Song

One Sacred Voice singing

I am this Love, I am this Love

I am this Love with you

This song opens with a Lakota phrase which literally translates as “The Four Directions blow upon Grandmother Earth.”Unci means “grandmother,” Ina “mother,” Maka “earth or dirt,” Tate “wind,” and Topa “four.” In the Lakota tradition, White Buffalo Calf Woman came to earth and gave The People the teaching of The Four Directions.  From The Four Directions come The Four Winds, each having a special meaning. Wisdom and Understanding come from The East. Life, Enlightenment and All Growing Things come from The South. Water, Power and the Ending of Life come from The West. Cleansing, Healing and Purification come from The North. When the Lakota pray or invoke the Sacred, the Four Directions are always acknowledged.

Thus, a possible interpretation of this beautiful phrase might be: "Spirit breathes its Essence into and upon Mother Earth.” With great respect and deep gratitude, I offer this song and chant to honor and praise the Sacred Life in All Things.

To Be Loved (Prayer of St. Francis)

Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love. 

Oh, My Beloved, grant that I may not seek to be consoled as to console,

Understood as to understand,

To be loved, as to love.

For it is in giving we receive,

In pardoning, we are pardoned.

In dying, we are born.

Om Tare

Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha

Also known as the Green Tara Mantra from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, this mantra for healing and protection invokes Tara, whose name means "star" or "she who ferries across." Tara is a Bodhisattva of compassion and embodiment of the Divine Feminine manifesting in female form. Also known as “She Who Saves,” Tara represents compassion in action. Stepping from her lotus throne in order to help sentient beings on every level, from the mundane to the spiritual, she is ever available to help us awaken to the realization of our true Divine nature. The literal meaning of this mantra is “Om! Salutations to Tara! 


Hildegard von Bingen was an 11th century mystic born into a noble family near Bingen, in Germany's Rhineland. As a child she saw and spoke with angelic messengers regularly. As an adult she founded and led two Benedictine monasteries for women, traveled and spoke publicly to great crowds, and was a renowned healer. Her advice was sought by the church hierarchy and kings alike, while her writings received the papal blessings. She was also a prolific playwright and musician. Hildegard spoke of her music as being a translation of the "Cosmic Symphony" which she heard during her visions. Gloriosa is an adaptation of lyrics from Hildegard’s “Ave Generosa,” set to new music.

Ave Maria generosa

Sancta Maria gloriosa

O pulcherrima, et dulcissima, quam valde Deus in te delectabatur.

Venter enim tuus gaudium habuit cum omnis celestis sonuit.

Tu candidum lilium quod deus ante omnem creaturam inspexit

Hail noble Mary!

Holy glorious Mary!

O lovely and tender one, how greatly has God delighted in you.

Your womb held joy with all the celestial symphony sounding through you.

You appeared as a shining white lily, as God looked upon you before all of Creation.

“Ave Generosa'' translation and excerpted notes by Norma Gentile, used with permission. Please see Norma’s exquisite translations of Hildegaard’s words at

Tu Eres

“Tu Eres” is a chant to honor and invoke the blessing of Mother Mary, revered throughout Mexico as Our Lady of Guadalupe after she appeared in a vision to Juan Diego in 1531.

Reina del Cielo

Madre Divina

Entra en mi corazón

Santa Maria Guadalupana

Tu eres mi bendición

Tu eres mi corazón

Queen of Heaven

Divine Mother

Come into my heart

Holy Mary of Guadalupe

You are my blessing

You are my heart

Ra Ma Da Sa

A mantra to help align one’s vibration with the frequency of the Divine to heal the self or send healing energy to others.

Ra invokes the energy of the sun.

Ma invokes the energy of the moon and alignment with receptivity.

Da invokes the grounding energy of the Earth.

Sa invokes the energy of Infinity extending upwards and outwards.

Sa chanted a second time, drawing the energy of Infinity within.

Say honors the all-encompassing Thou, the Divine.

So Hung, meaning “I am Thou”.  

Aham Prema

 “Aham Prema” is a Sanskrit mantra which means “I Am Divine Love.” I dedicate this to the Divine Mother, in all her many forms, everywhere, with profound gratitude and love.

Oh My Love

Come to me

Rest inside my open heart

I will take your darkest fears

And turn them all into flowers

Aham Prema