The Top 10 Benefits of Chanting Healing Mantras - PART 2

Ashana playing singing bowl

Last week I published a blog all about how chanting mantras connects you to your soul, awakens your passion and harmonizes your body. These are just a few of the infinite healing benefits of chanting mantra and healing sound. If you missed that one, check it out here (It’s a quick and helpful read!).

Chanting mantra is an ancient practice of using a repeating phrase to focus the mind into a meditative state. Mantras have been chanted and sung by different cultures all over the world for thousands of years. Mantras can be found in all the major spiritual traditions, including Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Muslim, as well as in the practices of indigenous peoples everywhere. We could say that chanting a mantra with sacred words or syllables is a way of tuning your attention to the radio station frequency of your preferred connection to the Divine :-) As we become absorbed in the mantra, it begins to vibrate as a frequency in every cell of our body. The mantra literally begins to sing through us.

Here are three more incredible benefits of chanting mantras. At the end of this blog, I’ll share with you a mantra with music you can chant to ignite your power and passion and expand your practice into new realms of healing!

1. Access the original Divine Blueprint

We each have an original divine blueprint that holds the intention of our soul for its experience in this lifetime. Our divine blueprint holds our unique soul aspirations in a sacred architecture of light frequencies. This includes the lessons it wants to learn and experiences it longs to have in order to grow and evolve. Not just as humans, but as spiritual beings living a physical, human experience.

In many spiritual traditions, sacred sound invokes the thrumming heartbeat, the primal sound that lives within all creation as the vibration of the Divine Presence. When we chant, we tune our minds, our hearts and our spirits to this vibration. The more we do this, the more we begin to remember, align with and rise in love with this frequency. With every repetition of the sacred words, we open our awareness of the divine blueprint within. Our intuitive knowing of what our soul is calling forth begins to awaken. We merge with our soul’s love. What was once disconnected and separate, is now whole.

2. Honors and supports Mother Earth

The longer I am alive, the more grateful I am for the gift of my physical body here on Mother Earth. Are you, too? It wasn’t always like this for me. I much preferred being in my light body and floating, more OUT of my body than IN. My husband James, a Native Hawaiian Healer, helped me experience what it feels like to feel safe in my body. In that moment, I realized how extraordinary having a body could be. I was in a transcendent state of joy for hours.

It is truly a blessing to feel the power and life force of the Earth Mother pulsing through our skin and bones. Indigenous people and ancient cultures lived their lives deeply connected to the rhythms and cycles of nature: Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. The ebb and flow of tides and the moon. Birth and rebirth, death and dissolution, in an ever evolving arc of time.

Our world today is profoundly out of touch and disconnected. We are trapped in a world of electronics. We live a sedentary lifestyle, more often than not, closeted away from the sun and moon. We buy our food in grocery stores and restaurants, as more and more people, surviving overworked, overstressed busy lives, don’t have the time or interest to even cook their own meals. Our culture views animals as things to be exploited or as property, nature as a commodity to be used and discarded. Our disconnection with the natural world is heartbreaking and could well lead to humanity’s demise.

It is time to attune ourselves to the rhythms and pulse of nature. To remember the earth in our hearts, our bodies, our minds and our spirit. To connect and give gratitude. To celebrate the beauty and gifts that nature gives us and to live in communion and cooperation with the earth.

Mantra and chant hold the blueprints in consciousness for what it is like to live in harmony with the natural world. We remember to love the earth through the chant. We call forth our cellular memory as a human being on earth, through sacred sound. We lift ourselves up in love and respect for the water, the air, the four leggeds and the winged ones, the fish and the insects, the flowers and the trees. We open ourselves to their wisdom, their strength, their knowing that we are all connected. That we are all One.

In sacred sound we shift our vibration as we align with the truth that all of creation is Divine.

Ashana playing crystal singing bowl on beach

3. Chanting is a way to create community

Chanting in solitude, in the sanctuary of your own home, creates a solid grounding for the day. Attuning to these sacred sounds opens a space to experience inner peace and to receive guidance from your wisest self and the angelic beings on your Team of Light. I personally treasure this time of reflection and self-nurturing care and dedicate myself to it daily because it keeps me feeling lined up and “right”.

But that’s not the only way to experience a mantra! Mantra is also meant to be shared and experienced with others. Mantra that is sung with a leader and a group is often called Kirtan. Kirtan concerts are phenomenal ways to share in creating the ecstasy of sound. Whether you are in a small group of people or in a concert hall, or at a festival with thousands, chanting sacred sounds can take you to unparalleled heights of bliss and joy. The energy and vibration of the mantra expands exponentially, as its effects are multiplied over and over and over again. The joy of those around you becomes your joy. The hope, your hope. The bliss, your bliss, and it ripples throughout the universe as a wave of life-giving light.

There are many amazing kirtan artists in the world who give incredible concerts. Here are some of my favorites: Deva Premal and Mitten, Snatam Kaur, Brenda McMorrow, Mirabai Ceiba, Simrit, Jai Uttal, Wah!, Shantala, Dave Stringer, Krishna Das and so many more.

So there you have it, a few more profound benefits to inspire you to start chanting today!!

PRE-SAVE “Om Apadamapa” HERE for a great place to start chanting. Share this blog with your friends and family who you’d love to chant with and stay tuned for the third and final part of this blog series on benefits of chanting mantra music by clicking here to sign up for my “SOUND WISDOM” Blog.

If you haven’t pre-saved Om Apadamapa, click here or on the cover below so you can stream it on Spotify or your favorite streaming platform as soon as it’s out on August 4th. There will also be an off-the-charts music video on YouTube so click here to subscribe so you don’t miss the full body-mind-spirit-heart immersive experience!

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