Expansive Transformation - A Leap of Faith into the Uncomfortable

Rainbow over a lush, green path

"If we're not surprised, we are not really learning." - DEREK SILVERS

I read these words about an hour or so after I was on my first coaching call with a new mentor who is helping me take my music and as yet unreleased offerings to a new level. I had to laugh out loud at myself, because for the first 10 minutes I spent with her, I gave her sh*t because I didn't want to do our session the way she wanted me to! I had an idea in my head of how I thought it should go and, no matter what, I was sticking to it. It was amazing — In our first few minutes together, I didn't even want to hear her perspective! I pride myself on being open minded and ready to step into new things, and here I was, doing exactly what a truly recalcitrant student does; fiercely holding on to old ideas and behaviors and trying to control the process MY WAY.

I’m laughing even as I write this. I am so grateful for her wisdom and understanding, and the incredible compassion she demonstrated during those painful 10 minutes. She wouldn’t budge and held a vision that I would step beyond my resistance; in so doing, she gave me an opportunity to face it head on. What a gift! And what a wonderful surprise when I finally got off my creaky butt and surrendered to the joy of doing things differently. The lesson is still percolating inside of me and continuing to offer new perspectives. I am absolutely tickled and delighted with the whole process.

We all need this.

Just take a second to tune into the insanity that is happening in our world right now.

Our challenge for us as a collective is to move beyond divisiveness and war. To do this, we need to let go of old patterns and invested ways of thinking so we can grow beyond our limitations and create a new reality.

In other words, we have to move to the other side of what's comfortable, known and familiar.

Wise guides can lovingly point us in a new direction and hold that space for us when we are feeling particularly stubborn or attached to a tried and true way of being or doing things. Here’s the million dollar question:

Are you open to change?

Chances are, if you were to ask me this, I would say, "Yes, of course!" But when the rubber actually meets the road, I have been known to look at change with a highly speculative eye, demanding that it immediately prove to me that shifting out of my current experience or moving beyond what I think I already know is really gonna work. “Show me the results, baby! I’ve tried it all! I know what’s involved and how it works!” My pride is actually pretty adorable. I know this part of me is doing her best to protect me. Truth is, we have to love our hubris. When we treat it with affection and understanding, resistance begins to melt away, making space for receptivity and humility. And when that door opens, our Wise Self can step in and point our toes in a new direction.

Derek Silvers, whose words I quoted at the beginning of this post, writes:

"… I always want to learn and grow. To grow intellectually, you need to be surprised. If we’re not surprised, we’re not really learning. We may add new information, but not really update our understanding of the world. No “Wow!” No “Aha!”

He goes on to say: “To keep learning and growing, we should always seek out new perspectives. Appreciate music, food, and experiences we initially dislike. Read about subjects we know nothing about. Understand people we disagree with. Take on new challenges. Avoid routine."

This is how we grow. And it can be uncomfortable. Push our buttons. Make us think. Feels awkward. Sometimes (hopefully, more often than not) it is exhilarating, once we get the hang of things. New vistas open up. New thoughts, ideas, beliefs and possibilities emerge. We become a larger version of ourselves and there is so much more for us to share with others, so much more air to breathe.

Ashana teaching how to play a crystal singing bowl

This is why I teach Crystal Bowl Mastery™ and why I keep learning and growing myself. Right now, I personally have 4 mentors in my life who continuously pry open the doors of my mind and inspire me to explore new ways of thinking, doing and being. I love having them in my life. They catch what I’m not aware of and help me through the tight spots. They are my best cheerleaders and biggest fans. Working with my own students, I receive the blessing of being witness to countless moments of "Wow" and "Aha!" It is one of my greatest joys to be present for these mini-awakenings and transformations. And then to know, that one day, they will pass the legacy of their jewels along to others. And the transformation grows and glows, like a rainbow arching over a magnificent sky.

If you are ready to join me for your own transformational journey through crystal sound send an email to ashana@soundofashana.com. We can speak together about Crystal Bowl Mastery™ to discover if this is your open door and how I can help you walk through, so you can share your gifts in more inexpressibly wonderful ways.

In the meantime, much love to you all, today and always.

Keep growing. And growing. And growing.

Because you are a miracle in the making, every moment of every beautiful and blessed day.

And the world needs you now, more than ever.