Quiet on the SET! ðŸ§
OMG. 2023 seems to have hit the ground running with everyone I know. The energy has been ridiculous and everything seems to be relentless, moving faster and faster with each passing week. I start out on Monday morning and before I know it, it's already the next weekend. Christmas was just last month, wasn't it????? This is what it's been like around our house; how's it been for you?
I woke up this morning with a voice yelling "Ack!!!! slow down the train so I have a chance to breathe!!" Another part of me has absolutely no intention of slowing down the train ... we're on and we are going!! lol! There's the new book, just finished a new music video (omg, I can't wait to share it with you!!), I'm off this week to LA to record the audio version of the book, and on and on and on.
I read this Rumi quote the other day and my eyes snapped open at these words: "The quieter you become the more you are able to hear." I immediately stopped what I was doing and took a breath. With everything happening, I'd been feeling my soul begging me to slow down and devote more time to "float". It's my favorite kind of meditation. Just sitting in the quiet, allowing my body to soften, relax and expand. Inside this soft, expansive quiet, there's room for me to rest, recalibrate and receive the inspiration and the guidance of what steps to take and how to take them.
I swear the angels sent me Rumi's quote, a gentle nudge towards my soul's wisdom. So I pulled out some of my beautiful crystal bowls, sat down and began to play. The sound began doing its magic almost instantly, first in my bones, then my skin, my body and my breath. Soon my busy "doing" mind began to slow down and unwind itself enough to let go, bit by bit, thought by thought. After awhile, I stopped playing, relaxed and surrendered to my expanded self, resting deeply in the quiet.
What a relief. Like manna from heaven. Like sweet nectar. 20-30 minutes later, I emerged, the rest of my day fresh and clear.
This is the beauty of sound healing with crystal bowls, how they can point us north to the quiet within in moments, where we can rest, relax and hear the infinite, whispering in our hearts. No matter what you are doing, how caught up your mind is in whatever is happening, they can help you pause, take a breath, soften and relax, to be guided, caressed, and magicked by the eternal one within.
There are beautiful new bowls in the Sound of Ashana online store ready to help take you there. And, of course, there is all the music that can do that, too. Let us know if we can help you bring more quiet into your life through exquisite crystal sound.
I hope your day is blessed and that you create time for solace in moments of peace that carry you straight into the arms of your soul.
From my heart to yours,
I hand-pick EVERY SINGLE BOWL PERSONALLY for its beauty, tone, high-frequency sound, and vibrational healing! I've also been playing them in my healing room, so they already have a lot of juju !!!
Head to the store and check them out!
Then let me know your favorite set or favorite bowl by sending an email here!