Divine Bliss AEOLIAH with ASHANA

Sacred meditative, devotional Vedic Sanskrit mantra to invoke the blessings of the Divine Feminine and Masculine aspects of God with the angelic voice of Ashana blended with Aeoliah’s vocals and solfeggio healing frequencies.



Om Satchitananda Parabrahma 

Purushothama Paramatma 

Sri Bhagavati Sametha Sri Bhagavate Namaha

Om – The Primordial Sound, the universal sound that vibrates the entire universe

Sat – The formless, the essential ground of the universe as unmanifested potential

Chit – The infinite manifesting consciousness of the Universe

Ananda – The bliss, love and friendship nature of the universe, profound ecstasy, supreme happiness

Para brahma – The Essence of the Universe, with form and without form

Purushothama – The supreme energy that guides us from the highest

Paramatma – The supreme energy that lives in all, that guides us from within

Sri Bhagavati – The Divine Mother, the Shakti, the power of creation

Sametha – Together, in communion with

Sri Bhagavate – The Sacred Masculine, that which is unchangeable and permanent

Namaha – I open myself to you, I receive you, I bow and prostrate myself before you

Salutations or prostrations to the Universe that is Om and also has the qualities of Sat Chit Ananda, that is omnipresent, unchangeable and changeable at the same time, the supreme spirit in a human form and formless, the indweller that can guide and help in the feminine and masculine forms with the supreme intelligence. I seek your presence and guidance all the time.