The Illuminated Path by Ashana

Ashana brings together crystal bowls and mantra in two powerful meditations for personal alignment and deep healing. “The Crystalline Path” meditation uses the mantra “Hari Nam Sat Nam” to help us align with the essence of our Truth as an aspect of Divine Consciousness, expressing as the powerful flow inherent in all of life. “The Healing Light” meditation uses the mantra “Ra Ma Da Sa” for self-healing.

Ashana`s beautiful vocals and expansive Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls accompany you on a meditation journey that will strengthen, empower and align you with your own magnificent light.

Musician Credits:

Ashana: Lead and Background Vocals, Shanti Chimes, Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls

Thomas Barquee: Keyboards & Programming, Background Vocals

Simone Sello: Electric and Acoustic Guitars

Sandip Chaterjee: Santur

Pankaj Mishra: Sarangi




Sit with spine straight in a comfortable position. Hold your hands with palms down, right hand on top of the left hand. Keep the hands level with the Heart Center. Focus your eyes on the tip of your nose, or 1/10th open. Chant the mantra 3 times on a single breath. Continue for the duration of the recording.

Hari Nam Sat Nam Hari Nam Hari

Hari Nam Sat Nam Sat Nam Hari

This mantra invokes the vibration of the powerful creative flow of life (Hari) with the essence, the identify (Nam) of Truth (Sat).


Sit with the spine straight in any comfortable position. Place the hands at the center of the chest as if in prayer. Close your eyes and turn them gently in and up towards the center of the brow. Chant the mantra. Continue for the duration of the recording.

This mantra taps into solar and lunar energies, the earth, and Universal Intelligence to focus on deep healing. It can be chanted to heal the self or to send healing energy to anyone you wish. Combined with this centering mudra, focus the energy of the mantra into the body for self-healing or send an intention of healing to others and into the world.