It’s Time for Expansion, Empowerment and Creative Possibility!

Ashana playing crystal singing bowl


It seems like everyone I meet is either moving to a new location, starting a new job, a new relationship, a new health routine, up-leveling their commitment to their family, partner, business, career, spiritual practice. You name it. Fill in the blank with what’s right for you. The status quo is absolutely OVER.

We are ALL being called to uplevel and raise our game.

If you’re reading this blog, you can see that Sound of Ashana is up-leveling, too, and I’m inviting you to come along for the ride so we can uplevel together.

Over the last few years, I recorded a LOT of new music to share with you!

But I didn’t release it. I thought about releasing it almost every day. But every time I came close, I stopped myself. I looked at my tired old platforms for sharing music and I knew in my heart that it would be a mistake to put something so new and beautiful on top of old, stagnant energy. So I waited until the timing was right. Different pieces needed to be put in place before I could even address the old platform. I needed to grow my growth mindset so that everything had a fertile, strong grounding, to flourish and expand. I needed to let go of my resistance to being seen on a bigger scale. Then, I needed to learn some new skills and new technology. My assistant needed to learn new skills, too. We needed new team members who were bright and enthusiastic about my vision. Physically, I needed robust health and strength to see it all through. And spiritually, I needed to up level my connection and receptivity for divine wisdom and guidance.

It took time. Way more time than I thought. Patience is not one of my super powers, so along the way, I experienced frustration, disappointment, discouragement and worry that somehow I had missed my window.

Over the last 5 years, I’ve grown enormously, in an infinite number of ways. I couldn’t do it alone. I had phenomenal help and support from my husband, James; from my greatly loved collaborator and friend, Thomas Barquee, who produces all of my music; my ever loyal assistant, Ashleyanne (who goes above and beyond); and the loving arms of family and friends. I was pushed and prodded and inspired by my teachers (in all of their forms), my students, and those of you who continued to let me know how much my music and our connection has made a difference in your lives.

I am extraordinary grateful for this journey, for every step along the way and for all of you.

If you have been waiting to up-level, if you have been cocooning and are now hearing the call to step up and step out, please know that I am cheering you on, with all of my heart.

I know what it’s like to have a dream. To feel a call. To take risks. To sit back and wait until you are guided to the next step. I understand the struggles that are involved, the fears, the resistance and the hesitations. I know what it takes to be committed, focused and to work with determination and discipline, when you can’t yet see results.

I also know what it means to take a big breath, let go and see what happens, trusting that when your intention is pure and aligned with your soul’s voice, the universe has your back.

If something in my words rings true for you, and if you feel I can support you in some way to follow your dream and take the next step, I encourage you to reach out to me. Maybe you’re ready to bring crystal bowls into your life, maybe you’re ready to study sound healing and open up your voice, maybe you’re ready to expand and grow as a healer, maybe the music is calling you …

I offer Free 15 minute complimentary sessions on Zoom or Skype, to help you discover the Sound of Ashana program or direction that is right for you. Send an email to and how you feel I can help you. If I feel I can be of service, we’ll get you registered for a complimentary session with me asap.

Finally, if you haven’t had a chance to explore the NEW Sound of Ashana website, I invite you to see the many places where I am upleveling. There is new music for you, peeking out of two unexpected places (because I can’t resist sharing). There are videos, and bowls, and opportunities to learn and connect.

There is so much to experience! Send me an email and let me know YOUR favorite things about the NEW Sound of Ashana website!

This is a huge time of up-leveling for me. I’m in the energy of expansion, empowerment and creative possibility and I would love to have you join me!

Register for your FREE session here.


Yours in the luminous sound of healing and the limitless possibilities of love.

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