Star Nebula

Star Nebula


Awakening the Soul in the Fire of Creation

At this point in time on earth, many are struggling deeply with emotional and mental stress. This phenomenal set of alchemy crystal bowls takes us on a journey into a matrix of starry creation where we can remember and recreate who we are, whilst realigning and re-calibrating our emotions to live from the heart in a grounded, centered way.

Anchoring this stunning set of bowls is a 9” Dead Sea Salt with Platinum alchemy bowl. It carries us into the clouds on a frequency that touches the expansive nature of the Divine Feminine, as the embodiment of the Shakti that brings into form all possibilities. This particular bowl helps us ground these energies so we can move beyond our perceived boundaries to visualize and embody our vision into the world, and activate that vision accordingly. Adding platinum expands this energy, whilst calming the mind and supporting deep meditative states. Sugilite is said to be “a love stone for the age”, opening the crown chakra and creating a field of grace and protection. This particular sugilite bowl carries us into a virtual star nebula of swirling purple, teal, pink, green and gold iridescence, inviting us to move beyond our current sense of who we are and expand into a larger vision of ourselves, our world and the place in the galaxy as we remain anchored in the high heart.

Tibetan Quartz is a powerful grounding energy, offering us a way to stabilize the fiery passion and vision of who we want to be and how we see ourselves in the world, harmonizing and aligning body, mind and spirit with the subtle bodies. It further facilitates the flow and connection of energies and is deeply healing for the blood, liver and health of the physical body. Carnelian quiets and soothes the mind as we align with the magic of our own creative power. White Light Aura Gold offers us the benefits of the healing power of gold and connect with Source energy. The extraordinary combination of Palladium with Charcoal offers us deep grounding as we learn to BE light in a body, whilst cleansing and clearing our consciousness of that which no longer serves.

If this sounds like what your soul has been longing for, these bowls are for you. The tone and color of this set is visually stunning, with a haunting depth and beauty that evokes the spirit of the cosmos.


  • 9" A -25 Dead Sea Salt, Platinum Frosted Inside Bowl

  • 8" D -30 Tibetan Quartz Copper Aura Bowl

  • 7" E -35 Carnelian, White Light Aura Gold Bowl

  • 7" A -40 Palladium, Charcoal Bowl

  • 6" F -45 Sugilite, platinum, Ocean Gold (Inside) Bowl

This set is harmonically balanced in 432 hz tuning.


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Listen to Star Nebula

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Quan Yin's Song

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Third Eye Activation

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Living from the Heart

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Gateway to Atlantis

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