River of Light (full digital album)

River of Light (full digital album)


Mantras and sacred songs from a kundalini yoga tradition to help heal the heart and expand one's connection with the Divine. Especially helpful for those who are seeking to open to a loving presence within. Light in Sound. Perfect for Reiki and healing.

*Digital download: you will receive an e-mail with a unique link valid for 24 hours to download this album once you have completed your purchase. All Sound of Ashana digital download sales are final and non-refundable upon delivery.

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Track list:

01 - Ong Namo
02 - Mere Man Loche
03 - Aad Guray Nameh
04 - Mul Mantra
05 - Golden Amrit
06 - Sat Narayan
07 - Sat Gur Prasad
08 - Guru Ram Dass

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